On yet another bright morning we Aryaannites were blessed to interact with the maestro sound designer of Bollywood – Sir Bishwadeep Chatterjee. He began by telling us about the non-demanding nature of the film industry its nature of absorbing different types of talent and people. further he elaborated on film making-how the process went from readying the script finalising the actors the location as per the layout of the script, guide by a budget. Then he turned to the importance of the soundscape in a movie. He expressed that the soundscape defined the scene and gave a background to the nature of the scene. Sir also told us that a lot of effort was invested in supressing background noises so that the correct amount of attention could be concentrated on the dialouges or other sounds in the movie. Sir heavily expressed on the ease with which sound designers like himself, could very easily manipulate, supress, merge, in other words play with sound itself and engineer it in such a way that it sounded absolutely natural to the common ears like ours. Further he told us about dubbing which was very difficult to accomplish. Illustrating with an example he told us how a perfect combination of sounds engineered in a full-fledged studio could give the desired appearance to a set, fulfilling the requirements of the movie and satisfying the audience. We concluded the session with a few questions to Sir Bishwadeep. And in conclusion I had the privilege to propose the VoT to his excellency Sir Bishwadeep Chatterjee. Last but not the least we students of Mushtifund Aryaans have such wonderful interactions with the eminent personalities from across the globe only because of our Dynamic Director Sir VPD who always ensures that we are forever motivated to achieve big.

Nandini Rangnekar

11th reg