To put forth the strength which lies within us and bloom with passion, innovatively facing every problem that comes our way. This was a manner of thinking put forth before us during the interactive session with Mr.Murali Sivaram, on 9th June 2021, here at Mushtifund Aryaan Higher Secondary School. The session will be permanently infused into our memories as the fervor with which Mr.Sivaraman spoke was truly stirring.

Mr. Sivaraman is a virtuoso business leader who has worked for most of his career with global multinational companies including Philips and Akzo Nobel in India, Singapore, China, Canada, and the UK. He had led global businesses for Philips – Consumer Appliances and Lighting. His last stint in Singapore was President for Growth Markets (covering a span of 25 countries). Having relocated to Mumbai, he is presently an Independent Director on Boards and advisor to Private Equity. His current Board roles are Chairman – Huhtamaki India, Independent Director – Bharat Forge and ICICI Lombard General Insurance. A Chartered Accountant, Cost & Works Accountant, an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India, Mr.Sivaraman has also completed an Advanced Management Program from Harvard.

During the session. Mr.Sivaraman spoke to us of the hustle behind all his triumphs in life. Recalling the time he applied for, and got an admission intoIIM Ahmedabad, he spoke of his initial hesitance to pursue MBA in IIMA, having not finished his CA at that time. Which is when his father’s school of thought came to his aid. “Do work hard,” Mr.Sivaraman remembered his father say, “But there is such a thing as luck. So when an opportunity comes, grab it”. He completed his CA after completing his MBA and is grateful to his father for this advice.

Mr.Sivaraman further spoke of his experience at IAM Ahmedabad and of how it was worth every minute, as he interacted with a blend of great minds coming from varied backgrounds, each with their own defined outlook on success and life. To him, those years were crucial in his overall growth as it was the drilling through those years that carved for him his path, sharpening his mind to think as a leader, as a visionary, capable of standing tall as a custodian of one’s company, in terms of governance and structure. He urged us, as students, to take our academic education very seriously, constantly seeking new ideas and new means of introspection and to aim for the top.

“When you pass out from a well-known institute, several doors open for you.” Mr. Sivaram declared, highlighting the image we make for ourselves as members of our society. In doing so, we call upon people to invest in us, just as one prefers to bet on a pedigree horse during a race.

In all of this, humility plays a massive role. If an individual, despite achievements and success having dotted their life, still manages to keep their head and harness their strength, they would be able to get even more out of this life. Mr.Sivaraman emphasized upon this, attributing much of his knowledge of this irreplaceable virtue to his years at IIM. Mr.Sivaraman went on to say that on entering, a person gets the sense of being in a temple of learning, a place with no room for arrogance.

Mr. Sivaraman believes – life is a journey of continuous learning. Well into his career – almost 20 years post his IIM, he was nominated by his company to a 10 week Advanced Management Program in Harvard. Harvard – a global temple of learning – exposed him to professionals from various walks of life and countries: Companies, Entrepreneurs, Military leaders, senior Government Officials. There, in small groups of 10 individuals, the attendees took the arts of imagination and edification to zealous new levels, having numerous group discussions and burning the midnight oil studying. “It is when you engage with great people of varied backgrounds, each one bringing his or her perspective into the discussion that you say “Wow, this is leadership.’” Mr.Sivaraman gushed.

Furthermore, Mr.Sivaram called to mind the speech he gave when he was elected valedictorian, a speech in which he told the 179 other eminent people gathered there of the famous tale of Gautama Buddha and of how, despite having everything, Gautama Buddha left his home, left all his riches behind, and wandered into the forest hoping to attain enlightened. There is much to comprehend in this story. Just as Gautama Buddha sought wisdom, sought meaning to this life, so must we. We must humble ourselves and constantly nourish our minds with knowledge, living in a constant quest for enlightenment. There, Mr.Sivaraman told the people present for the program, that each of them had led exceptional lives. Each one of them was colossally successful. And yet they sought a kind of isolation, a sort of period at Harvard where they reflected upon themselves, learning more from within.

Mr.Sivaraman went on to tell us of his journey, of his initial ambition, of how he began as a management accountant and, of how his career skyrocketed to the post he holds now. He brought about computerization in the payroll section, worked with businesses like agro chemicals, pharmaceuticals, explosives, fertilizers, and was invited to unify systems and practices among several other endeavors and achievements.

He spoke of the Halcyon days of youth, of how a young adventurer our age is so passionate, tenacious to work, keen to achieve. “But with all of that, you should remember, people around are watching you.” Mr.Sivaraman cautioned. He harked back to a vignette of his life that took place in 1996, when his career had only begun and he was working as a chartered accountant, hardly ever having set foot outside the country. It came as a great surprise to him when the Asia Pacific Leader called for him and enunciated that she would be sending Mr.Sivaraman overseas to Singapore as a Managing Director. Sensing his perplexity on receiving the news, she imparted to him a piece of advice that he would carry with him for the rest of his life. “We leaders, are born to spot talent and take risks.”

Tasked with his first International Business Leadership role – Mr. Sivaraman faced the Asian Financial Crisis – when South East Asian Currencies started depreciating rapidly. Recognizing every crisis is an opportunity – he led his team to transform the business to improve market leadership and profitability.

When transferred to China, Mr.Sivaraman encountered more setbacks, but as a leader, bore the burden of the mistakes of others.He urged us, students, to dig our heels in and go the distance. Eventually, light began to manifest itself and business boomed. Mr.Sivaraman was invited to the House of Commons to deliver a speech soon after which he took off for Harvard.

“The Chinese and Indians have an innate entrepreneurial skill.” Mr.Sivaraman observed, “They have been born and brought up in chaos.” He delineated how hunger, desperation, and a killer instinct to thrive in today’s ever-changing world have been instilled in our people, right from a very young age. He particularized how Indian entrepreneurs push forward, even when faced with a crisis.

“Every crisis is an opportunity,” Mr.Sivaraman insisted.” for you to do 3 things. Firstly, introspect because invariably when you’re doing well, some lethargy always develops. Secondly, quickly shed off what is not useful to you. And finally, invest in what is relevant. But remember, what is relevant today, may not be relevant tomorrow.”

Emboldening us in chasing our dreams and calling to us to rouse the passion that lies within and carry it to our very last breath, Mr.Sivaraman concluded his speech.

The session then opened for questions from the students wherein burning topics were tackled such as Indian profitability and frugality at the Global level, advancements in technology, automation and Industry 4.0, social security and taxes, employment and human resources, the market, start-ups and entrepreneurship and our contribution towards and capacity for all of these as youth. Aside from these spiritual values were also held up for discussion.

To summarize, Mr.Sivaraman, in his lecture upheld the skill of academic intelligence, emphasized upon the never-receding quest for knowledge and invoked a spiritual flame as well. We’re grateful to Mr.Sivaraman for sharing his thoughts with us along with his inspiring examples. I would also like to place on record a thanks to VPD sir for giving us numerous opportunities to interact with erudite minds.

Prepared by Erika Vaz, Class XI