The never-ending list of the dignitaries young and old inspiring us young Aryaanites for future saw another interesting addition of Sir Tanmay Prabhugaonkar who is and ex-Aryaanite, has a degree in biochemical engineering from IIT Kharagpur and I currently working for $1bn unicorn in Bangalore.

The intriguing session started with Sir Tanmay giving us tips and line of thought process we must adopt while we are preparing for high octane entrance tests like the NEET, JEE[M] and JEE[A] in his sweet and concise 5 slide ppt. Sir first told usthat dedication and persistence was the key to cracking these exams and the mentality of always giving importance to what people will say was useless and draining and had to shed off. An important point that he made was theta the behavioral traits that we picked up in our crucial years of 11th and 12th stayed with us for lives and they made all the difference in our future and personality. Further sir touched upon the fact that satisfaction of having answered the exam was also important because our performance depends on a lot of aspects and hence having answered it successfully irrespective of the result was in itself the greatest achievement. After this we had visual tour of the social and academic life at IIT Kharagpur the college life the socio-cultural activities, the jargon, the science fests, the infinite array of talented youth. He told us that the life at an IIT was multi-dimensional and required the wit to choose from the never-ending list of priorities. He especially stressed upon the need for continuous self- motivation as that was the only successful, and healthy way out through such a challenging journey of the IIT.Sir also said that making the right choice in terms of the extra-curricular activities. further on he elaborated on the IIT culture etc. Then we saw all our questions being answered. And the he expressed upon the very fact that the contacts with the people from the IIT are so widespread that we find IITians in all the careers. Then he told us about the various companies he had worked for he primarily by working in social groups and served the society. After this he joined the ZETWORK where he is currently working.

The session gave us the confidence with the right attitude anything was possible.

The efforts of our Director Sir VPD have given us the time of our lives through these sessions and these sessions have given the final touch to the already perfect education he is giving us.

As the engaging session was concluded, I had the privilege to propose the vote of thanks.



Nandini Rangnekar,

11th REG