On behalf of Mushtifund Aryaans Higher Secondary School, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for your exceptional work as an artist as well as, as a person .We commend you for your hard work in bringing to life the diverse characters you have portrayed on screen. Your performances have touched the hearts of many, and your ability to connect with your audience is a testament to your professionalism and commitment to excellence. You’ve taken us on a roller coaster ride, much like your movies, making us laugh, cry, and occasionally question our life choices . especially when we attempt those dance moves from “Navra Maza Navsacha” in front of the mirror.

Since a very young age of 4 and a half, sir has proved that it is not formal training but it’s the will, passion and interest that are the major contributors to success.Sir also said a very notable phrase that Opportunities are right there and, we have to seek for them. They’re right there, looking at us but it’s our responsibility to grab them.

Later, sir talked about the audio revolution and the Celluloid revolution too and, how fortunate he has been to experience it. An invaluable input was to keep our eyes and ears open and, to be observant because nothing goes waste if we observe. Sir outlined the importance of having a vision, not only in composing music or movies or in education, but for each and every field of life is the most important and crucial. But the question comes: What is vision? It is to see something invisible, something in the future. Risk and commitment too are quite important to make learning better. Focus and not getting disheartened are two things that go hand in hand which take you closer to success and your dreams.

Sir also threw some light on the role of film producer, director and distributor. Sachin Sir very rightly said and, that I totally agree with, is that one should take pride in their mother tongue because how true one is to their roots plays a significant role in one’s life.  Even at a low point in sir’s life he kept going with the hope that the right opportunity would approach and he kept trying! And here I’d like to mention sachin sir’s quote: वाईट वाटून घेणं सोपं असतं आणि त्यासाठी फार डोकंही लागत नाही. आपण प्रत्येक गोष्टीत वाईट वाटून घेत राहिलो, तर आयुष्यात कधी हसूच शकणार नाही.”(To feel sad is very easy and, it doesn’t even need much brains. If one keeps feeling low and sad about each and every thing then, one can never feel happy in life. ) This is a quote from Sir’s book: Hach Mazha Marg. Another takeaway is that, devotion and spirituality must be towards the work you do.

Sir, we appreciate the time you took to share your insights and experience with us, and we know that your work will have a lasting impact on all of us and the Marathi as well as the Hindi entertainment industry as a whole. Your dedication to your craft is an inspiration to all of us. A heartfelt thanks to you sir, for your patience and the invaluable knowledge you shared with us. I would also like to extend my gratitude towards Sir VPD for inviting an eminent personality like Sachin sir and for giving us the opportunity to interact with this महानट.


Presha  Rane.